Sunday, March 22, 2015

This Week At Chic 3/22/15

We welcomed a NEW DESIGNER to our team this week!   More on that coming soon!

We had our first #flashsale this past Friday!  In case you missed it, we’re planning on doing it again soon, so make sure you’re keeping a close eye on our page because the name says it all, they’re over in a flash, but they’re lots of fun!


Sunday, March 15, 2015

This Week At Chic

Welcome to This Week At Chic!  This is where we'll share a little bit of what's going on behind the scenes at Chic Threads & Things and give you a glimpse at some projects we've been working on as individual designers.  Here we go!
This week at Chic we joined the Instagram revolution!  Follow us at @ChicThreadsThings for updates and special deals.  We’ve also been brainstorming behind the scenes and have come up with some cool new ideas to shake things up a bit on Facebook …you’ll have to wait just a bit longer before we make our big announcement!  Make sure you’re following us on Facebook, Instagram , Twitter  or here on the blog so you don’t miss the big reveal!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Hop Into Spring Showcase

Spring is almost here and after this cold, snowy winter we have had I'm ready to not only hop into spring, but run, jump, gallop, or sprint as long as I get some warmer weather fast!

The ladies of Chic Threads & Things have gathered together to bring you some of their newest creations in hopes to bring on the spring fever.  We are trying something new this year by offering a Showcase of items.  These items are made especially for our event so you are going to see them here first!  There are only going to be a handful of items in the showcase but there will be plenty more for sale in the weekend auction.  Here's a first hand look at the items in this month's showcase.  Details will be found when they are posted for sale, so be sure to join our Facebook fan page as well as the event page we have set up for games and reminders. 

We hope you see something you like!  Can't wait to see you at this weekend's sale.  It begins Friday, March 6th at 8pm CST and ends Monday, March 9th at 10pm CST.